Beneficiary company from the support of FONDO (R)ESISTO

Our company – Tueco snc di Pinducciu Lorenzo & C – was beneficiary from the support of FONDO (R)ESISTO, EU fund under POR Sardegna FSE 2014/2020 for a value equal to 19.545,00 euros.

Public notice FONDO (R)ESISTO for the granting subsidies to companies (ex art. 14 of regional legislation n. 22/2020) is realised from Regional Operational Programme (Programma Operativo Regionale) part-financed by the 2014/2020 European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) of Sardinia (Regione Sardegna).

The contribution has allowed us to better face this particular period of health, social and economic crisis which has also affected the tourism and transport sector.




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